First Year Out of the Classroom

A year ago I was busy completing end of the year tasks for my fifth grade classroom. I knew then it would be the last time I had to gather student paperwork to place in cum folders, clear desks, and dismantle my classroom for summer break. The last week of school and the week after always seemed to be the busiest ones for me. So much to do and there never seemed to be enough time. I though for sure this year would be much easier, less stressful, and more manageable. As I close my first full year out of the classroom and reflect on the months past, I realize how much goes into planning a successful year, and the amount of energy and work needed to close it.

Teaching is my passion because I love to learn. My first year out of the classroom has made me grow in ways I did not imagine. Seeing school life through the eyes of an administrator offers a completely different perspective. In my new role, I did not see one classroom everyday, but many. I did not engage with one group of students all year, but with several. I did not have a chance to plan my own activities anymore, but many with and for others. Different yes, but not less rewarding. I did not just learn with and from my students this year, but from all my co-workers. They challenged me to look for answers and alternatives; they asked questions I could not answer without their assistance; they requested help in areas we all needed to research; but most importantly, they were all patient with me as I learned and grew in my new role.

Leaving the classroom is not easy as it can be intimidating. However, pushing ourselves to walk uncharted roads is both rewarding and exciting. I can see how students would be afraid of failure: they would never want to disappoint their teachers  or parents. The same feelings were present throughout the year: I did not want to disappoint my teams nor my co-workers. I wanted to give them the right answers and point them in the right direction, even if that meant spending hours finding those answers, and looking for the right track to follow.

This post is for all those who crossed my path this year: students, teachers, administrators, faculty, staff, and all my network outside school who helped me close this first year with a bag filled with knowledge and new skills. The year went bye fast as I worked with others in many classroom and school projects; started two coding and a robotics club; participated with students and teachers in a number of contests and challenges that made us all learn and grow. I thank all of you who made this year, a year of learning. I have gained a number of skills and used numerous tools that I know have in my bag to share with fellow teachers both inside and outside the classroom. In future posts, I will reflect on the highlights of this year, focusing on our students, who are the reason we are all in this profession.


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