The Power of 30

Habit formation takes time. How many times have you started on your way to a new goal only to realize days or months later that you dropped your goal. Sometimes you have too much going on and that is why you drop your goals. Other times you simply lack the discipline to keep up with your goals. I am guilty of both and that is why I am setting myself up for a new challenge. I did not set a goal this time, but a challenge. While the difference may be subtle, in my perception, a challenge pushes me to move forward as I do not want to stay behind. A goal on the other hand, is more distant and I don’t see the pressure to reach it. So here is my challenge: During the next thirty days I will write 30 minutes each day to create 30 posts on 30 different topics.

I am starting with those topics I am comfortable with, but open to focusing on themes that will help me grow. I have divided my topics into three main categories:

    • Joy – things that bring me joy and help me relax
      Learning – things I am learning or discovering
      Projects – things I am working on or planning for future work.
  • Things that bring me joy include family, cooking, reading, nature, and my dog to name a few. I think of myself as a life-long learner and I am naturally curious about new tools, strategies, and about ways that help me improve my life and the life of those around me. My projects include both personal projects (blogging is one of them) and work projects. I am not sure where this will lead, but I am excited about the options.
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